About Me

My photo
Seoul, Korea
I'm a 27 year old young Marketing and Advertising Professional looking to continue gaining experience and learning different streams of Marketing and Advertising. Although I enjoy the industry, I've decided to take a break and to teach English in South Korea and travel South East Asia. This new journey will allow me to learn about another culture, meet new people, and most importantly, see a bit more of the world.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

Just wanted to post this first blog and welcome everyone to my new blog. As you can tell, this my first blog (can you tell from the Blogger template I stole and the lack of interesting information on my page?).

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Hey Elly!

Welcome to you as well. I recently just joined blogger myself. It's such an interesting form of communication and I can't wiat to learn more.Check out my blog anytime.

ps. the artist you posted is great!